Christmas is a wonderful time of the year… except for when you are trying to lose weight!

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December 14, 2017
Tips to Survive the Silly Season
December 14, 2017So many delicious goodies out there to tempt you, so many parties, work gatherings, social get-togethers. All of which come with things to eat you know just don’t fit in with your weight loss plan.
So how can you still indulge in your Christmas favourite without completely falling off the weight loss wagon? With this healthy Christmas pudding recipe that is both low fat and uses some natural ingredient substitutes to reduce the overall sugar content compared to the traditional dish.
Serves 12
1 cup low fat milk
7 slices grainy bread including crusts
3½ cups (600g) unsweetened mixed fruit
½ cup Stevia granules
2 tsp mixed spice
3 egg whites
½ cup rum
1 cup mashed banana
1¼ cups plain flour
½ cup apple puree
1 tsp bicarbonate soda
1: Break up the bread with your finger and place into a medium sized bowl. Heat up the milk in a saucepan until hot and then pour over the bread. Mix together well until the bread has absorbed all the milk and is well combined.
2: In a large mixing bowl beat together the egg whites and sugar. Add the bread mixture, mixed fruit, mixed spice and rum. Stir to combine.
3: In a seperate small bowl mix together bicarb soda with apple puree and then combine with other ingredients. Mash the banana and mix together.
4: Gently fold flour into mixture until just combined, do no over mix.
5: Pour into a 2L pudding steamer that has been sprayed with cooking spray and cover with the lid. In a large saucepan place the pudding steamer inside and then fill the saucepan will boiling water until it reaches 3/4 of the way up. Place lid saucepan and simmer for 4 hours. Top up the water with as required.
6: Serve and enjoy!
Cal kJ Fat Sat fat Carbs Sugar Protein
238 997 1.2 0.4 44 28 5.2