The Health Benefits of Coffee
September 2, 2017
Letting go of the past could help you lose weight
September 11, 20178 Ways to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain and Still Have Fun
It’s holiday season and everyone is jetting off to sunny beaches, cities and resorts to enjoy a week or two off work. Along with the R&R, most people like to indulge in more food and drinks on their holidays than they usually would.
It’s so easy to gain weight on holiday; you’re eating lots of different foods, cooked by other people, drinking more and you may not be keeping up your exercise routine while you’re away (racing to the sun loungers in the morning doesn’t count!).
Discover sensible tips that will help you watch your waistline while on holiday and still have a great time.
We have a few useful tips to help you avoid the dreaded holiday gain and return home with the same body you flew out with.
Stock up on healthy snacks
Whether you’re in a self-catering apartment or an all-inclusive hotel deal, you’ll want to visit the local supermarket to stock up on healthy nutritious snacks you can feast on between meals.
Grab wholemeal crackers, hummus, peanut butter, bananas and nuts and seeds to have a stash of throughout your trip.
Pack these snacks in the beach bag each day so you aren’t tempted to start ordering unhealthy things when you’re out and about and get peckish.
Drink a lot of water
Another thing you need to have a large stash of is bottled water. People are always recommended to drink bottled water rather than tap when holidaying abroad. This works well for keeping your appetite under control too.
When you feel hungry, more often than not, you’re probably thirsty. So, downing a small bottle of water every couple of hours will not only keep you full but will also protect you against dehydration – which you’re more susceptible to when on holiday in the sun.
Start the day well
A good, well balanced breakfast will see you right through the morning, fuelling your morning’s activities and not leaving you starving by 11am.
That doesn’t mean you should go for the full English or croissants every day! Ask for things like scrambled or poached eggs, avocado, salmon, fresh fruit and yogurt. These are healthy and filling and will give you a slow release of energy for a good few hours till lunchtime.
Discover sensible tips that will help you watch your waistline while on holiday and still have a great time.
Carbs at lunch, not for dinner
Sticking to one carb meal a day will do wonders for your waistline, so have carbs in your lunch (leaving the rest of the day to burn them off) and stick to vegetables and/or meat on your plate in the evening.
Avoid the buffet
It’s so tempting to load your plate when you get to that gorgeous smelling Mediterranean buffet – but it could lead to you making the wrong choices and feeling the bloat afterwards.
If you have the choice, order something on the menu so you will know that portions are controlled.
If buffet is your only option, then load your plate with salad items, vegetables, grilled meats, beans and fruits for pudding. Having ice cream after your meal every night will result in extra inches around the waist for sure!
Discover sensible tips that will help you watch your waistline while on holiday and still have a great time.
Explore local foods
Rather than sticking to just your hotel, get out and about trying local restaurants (and not ones that only offer ‘English dishes’).
Locally owned family run restaurants in hidden corners are fun to find and will often serve you the most authentic and delicious local food, which is often much healthier than your hotel restaurant!
Check out the local markets and try their exotic fruits and seafood (to eat on the go, or in lieu of a big lunch!)
Stay active
If you remain immobile on the beach or pool side for your entire holiday, not only will your body shape change but you will also not feel great.
Getting up and about and moving is better for your mood and your body. Try swimming in the sea, running around on the beach, taking the stairs rather than the lift, and heading out into your surroundings to explore on foot – you’ll see so much more this way too!
At OnTrack, we help educate guests on nutrition, fitness and staying active. If you’re looking for a holiday that focusses specifically on health and well-being, book a stay at our Devon retreat and kickstart your weightless journey today.
Don’t binge drink
The number of calories in your holiday drinks would surprise you. It’s tempting to completely let loose on holiday and drink a lot more than is good for you but honestly, your waistline, liver and wallet won’t thank you!
Stick to one drink with your meal (alongside your water) in the evening and if you’re going out on the town, stick to slimline drinks like gin and tonic or vodka and tonic.
Make sure you drink a glass of water in between alcoholic drinks, which will minimise your hangover the next day too.
If you follow these tips, you can still have a marvellous time on your holiday but spare yourself the guilt and extra hard work when you get home!
You’ll also feel better showing your body off at the pool if you don’t make yourself feel bloated.
Happy holidays x